Ask Altucher
Ask Altucher
James Altucher: Your daily dose of inspiration on how to Choose Yourself /
Ep 187 Is The Food We Eat Killing Us?
48 minutes Posted Jan 9, 2015 at 1:12 pm.
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James and Claudia call Vani Hani, author of , to talk about her inspiration for living a healthy life and to investigate what is really in our food, how it's grown, and what chemicals are used in its production.
Do you know what's really in the food you eat… and do you care?
James talks with Vani about what the best fish to eat right now are, what's up with the paleo diet, and the "not milks."
She tells James and Claudia she's not a fan...
She says the FDA is completely asleep at the wheel and you have to take control of what you eat, yourself.
They cover GMOs… always a hot-button subject. And they talk about if we'll be able to feed a world population that's growing fast.
Vani is passionate about this subject and she scares the hell out of James and Claudia.
Listen here to find out why.