2 Docs Talk: The podcast about healthcare, the science of medicine and everything in between.
2 Docs Talk: The podcast about healthcare, the science of medicine and everything in between.
Kendall Britt, MD and Amy Rogers, MD
Episode 53: Healthcare in a Donald Trump Presidency
12 minutes Posted Nov 14, 2016 at 12:00 am.
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November 8, 2016 has come and gone and no matter what box you checked you are probably a little surprised by the outcome. Donald Trump will be the 45th POTUS. 

This has the potential to shake things up in a lot of areas of American life, but we want to focus today on the healcare ramifications of a  Donald Trump presidency. What did he say he would do? Will he do it? And what will it look like if he does.

We refer to a couple of our previous podcasts in this show and they are worth a listen as you evaluate the plans Donald Trump is offering up:

Episode 10: What Does Planned Parenthood Actually Do?

Episode 6: Pricing Transparents in Medicine and Healthcare