The Uplifting Content Podcast With Ione Butler (Let’s Talk About…)
The Uplifting Content Podcast With Ione Butler (Let’s Talk About…)
Ione Butler
Using Positive Psychology to Transform Your Life With Noelle Cordeaux
31 minutes Posted Nov 11, 2019 at 11:01 pm.
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Noelle is CEO and co-founder of JRNI Coaching. She is also a coach, speaker, and sexologist who specializes in the relationship with the self. She has carved out a unique niche in the world of coaching, combining evidence-based scientific methods grounded in positive psychology with traditional, clinical sexology to help her clients gain true progress. Noelle is highly trained in positive psychology and is an  International Coaching Federation Certified Coach.
- How she overcame depression and an eating disorder
- What positive psychology is
- Techniques to lift you out of depressed states
- How coaching is a communication methodology
- Her coaching program
- Catalyst life coaching podcast
- How the coaching market is booming right now
- How to find strength when you’re feeling negative about yourself
- The power of your story and so much more!
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Ione Butler
Uplifting Content
Noelle Cordeaux
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The Catalyst Life Coaching Podcast