Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health
Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health
Robb Wolf
Episode 441 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #34
43 minutes Posted Sep 26, 2019 at 9:00 pm.
] Lee Anne says: Hi Robb, A question maybe for a podcast. We have all heard the stories of people eating very low fat and low calorie diets to lose weight (think Biggest Loser). They later gain the weight back and can no longer eat as much as they used to and maintain as their metabolism is messed up. I am wondering if there is any science behind a low calorie (800-1000) per day hurting your metabolism? My thinking is if you are getting enough nutrients between food and supplements within the 800 calories plus you body is "eating" your fat stores - would there not be any negative effects? Would love to hear you thoughts! I was not able to find anything relating to this on the web. I have always tried to stick to a small calorie deficit (eating around 1600-1800 per day). And while successful, lower calories would probably speed up weight loss. I have lost about 60lbs following your plan and still have another 100 to go. Thanks and love everything you do! Thanks for changing my life! Lee Anne Hesbacher Keto Masterclass student     2. Weighted Blankets? [11:28] Steven says: Hey Robb, I've been hearing a lot about weighted blankets lately in relation to calming anxiety and improving quality of sleep. Do you have any experience with these? Any idea if they would be a good sleep hygiene hack for someone who just wants to optimize sleep? Love the podcast! -Steven   Click here to check out the Chilipads I mention in this answer. GAME CHANGER for sleep.      3. Keto and Bowel Movements? [13:26] Amanda says: Hi! My question today is on keto and bowel movements. I've been keto for over five months (thanks to the Keto Masterclass) and paleo for almost 7 years. I love the philosophy of how do you look, feel and perform and have seen improvements in all those categories since first becoming paleo and then keto. My question is on bowel movements while on keto; what is normal and what is a red flag? As you have stressed, supplementation with electrolytes is key and I was taking magnesium a little too much; 1 LMNT during the day and Natural Calm before bed. Bowel movements were overly loose and that’s never fun. I've been taking Natural Calm for years and it was a part of my night time routine before starting keto. The over supplementation of magnesium was an unintended consequence. After watching the magnesium I've become more solid but feel bowel movements are less frequent overall. Digestion is slow moving and I feel pressure in my lower abdomen. Not pain, not bloating or anything like that; just some pressure. The pressure will be there till I eat and things are pushed through. Is this normal? Am I eating too large of meals? Are there electrolytes I could be missing? I typically have a large breakfast, a medium lunch and a small dinner. I sometimes fast dinner; it's just depends on my schedule. Between the satiating nature of keto and the breakfast/lunch, I rarely feel I need anything in the evenings. Thank-you for all you do. I hope all are settling into your new home and I look forward to future podcasts!     4. City vs Suburbs vs Small Town vs Country? [18:12] Jason says: Hi Nicki & Robb, Since you're in the middle of moving, I've got a question about where I should live. In my last gig, I needed to live in city for work. A suburban house, but with good access to transit and an easy bike ride to work. I've recently switched to working remotely, so I've got a lot more flexibility and wondering if I might benefit from a different way of life. What are your thoughts on living situations & surrounding built environments and their impacts on health and happiness? For reference, we're a mid-30s married couple with no kids (but trying) and a dog. Mostly homebodies, but we have friends, family, and a great crossfit box in the city. Lots of options for living in small towns, acreages, hobby farms, near the lake, all within an hour drive of the city. I've been a follower for many years and your work has helped me in so many different ways, so thank you! Jason     5. Your Move to Texas? [26:13] Kirk says: Robb & Nicky, Welcome to Texas. I moved here 35 years ago and haven’t regretted it. The New Braunfels area is fantastic being in between Austin and San Antonio. So many great attractions whether it’s outdoor recreation, live music, or educational opportunities for your children.  No income tax is great as well, however property taxes might be higher than what you are accustomed to.  I know it isn’t a health or nutrition question, but could you talk about your decision to move to Texas and what you hope to accomplish here? Best regards, Kirk   Robb’s poop update during Question 5 [35:24 - 38:34]   Where you can find us:   Submit questions for the podcast:   Transcript: Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)
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We're back with Episode 441, Q&A #34! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.   Show Notes:   1. Are Low Calories OK In Keto? [2:41] Lee Anne says: Hi Robb, A question maybe for a podcast. We have all heard the stories of people eating very low fat and low calorie diets to lose weight (think Biggest Loser). They later gain the weight back and can no longer eat as much as they used to and maintain as their metabolism is messed up. I am wondering if there is any science behind a low calorie (800-1000) per day hurting your metabolism? My thinking is if you are getting enough nutrients between food and supplements within the 800 calories - plus you body is "eating" your fat stores - would there not be any negative effects? Would love to hear you thoughts! I was not able to find anything relating to this on the web. I have always tried to stick to a small calorie deficit (eating around 1600-1800 per day). And while successful, lower calories would probably speed up weight loss. I have lost about 60lbs following your plan and still have another 100 to go. Thanks and love everything you do! Thanks for changing my life! Lee Anne Hesbacher Keto Masterclass student     2. Weighted Blankets? [11:28] Steven says: Hey Robb, I've been hearing a lot about weighted blankets lately in relation to calming anxiety and improving quality of sleep. Do you have any experience with these? Any idea if they would be a good sleep hygiene hack for someone who just wants to optimize sleep? Love the podcast! -Steven   Click here to check out the Chilipads I mention in this answer. GAME CHANGER for sleep.      3. Keto and Bowel Movements? [13:26] Amanda says: Hi! My question today is on keto and bowel movements. I've been keto for over five months (thanks to the Keto Masterclass) and paleo for almost 7 years. I love the philosophy of how do you look, feel and perform and have seen improvements in all those categories since first becoming paleo and then keto. My question is on bowel movements while on keto; what is normal and what is a red flag? As you have stressed, supplementation with electrolytes is key and I was taking magnesium a little too much; 1 LMNT during the day and Natural Calm before bed. Bowel movements were overly loose and that’s never fun. I've been taking Natural Calm for years and it was a part of my night time routine before starting keto. The over supplementation of magnesium was an unintended consequence. After watching the magnesium I've become more solid but feel bowel movements are less frequent overall. Digestion is slow moving and I feel pressure in my lower abdomen. Not pain, not bloating or anything like that; just some pressure. The pressure will be there till I eat and things are pushed through. Is this normal? Am I eating too large of meals? Are there electrolytes I could be missing? I typically have a large breakfast, a medium lunch and a small dinner. I sometimes fast dinner; it's just depends on my schedule. Between the satiating nature of keto and the breakfast/lunch, I rarely feel I need anything in the evenings. Thank-you for all you do. I hope all are settling into your new home and I look forward to future podcasts!     4. City vs Suburbs vs Small Town vs Country? [18:12] Jason says: Hi Nicki & Robb, Since you're in the middle of moving, I've got a question about where I should live. In my last gig, I needed to live in city for work. A suburban house, but with good access to transit and an easy bike ride to work. I've recently switched to working remotely, so I've got a lot more flexibility and wondering if I might benefit from a different way of life. What are your thoughts on living situations & surrounding built environments and their impacts on health and happiness? For reference, we're a mid-30s married couple with no kids (but trying) and a dog. Mostly homebodies, but we have friends, family, and a great crossfit box in the city. Lots of options for living in small towns, acreages, hobby farms, near the lake, all within an hour drive of the city. I've been a follower for many years and your work has helped me in so many different ways, so thank you! Jason     5. Your Move to Texas? [26:13] Kirk says: Robb & Nicky, Welcome to Texas. I moved here 35 years ago and haven’t regretted it. The New Braunfels area is fantastic being in between Austin and San Antonio. So many great attractions whether it’s outdoor recreation, live music, or educational opportunities for your children.  No income tax is great as well, however property taxes might be higher than what you are accustomed to.  I know it isn’t a health or nutrition question, but could you talk about your decision to move to Texas and what you hope to accomplish here? Best regards, Kirk   Robb’s poop update during Question 5 [35:24 - 38:34]   Where you can find us:   Submit questions for the podcast:   Transcript: Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)